Do you provide general pest control in Queanbeyan?
Absolutely. Our whole house pest control service can deal with a number of bugs at once, including spiders, cockroaches, millipedes, silverfish, slater’s, clothes moths, earwigs, pantry moths, millipedes, mud wasps, and paper wasps. However, certain species will need specialised treatment, including flying insects, bees, ants, and termites.
What are the advantages of using City Pest Control in Queanbeyan?
One major advantage is that you can be assured of using a local and reliable service that is licenced, insured, and accredited with a Pest Cert from AEPMA. All of our prices are transparent and we like to explain the pest control process to customers. This ensures that we get repeat clients who are satisfied again and again.
What is the ethos of City Pest Control?
Our ethos is quite simple. We deliver the best service at the best prices. You can see this from our price table. Because we can hit multiple pest species at once, our services are very cost-effective. We also use the latest technology and have the relevant accreditations. It’s a mistake to think that just because our services are so well priced that we are lower quality. We actually use the latest technology and have similar or better training than the competition, many of whom do not have the relevant licencing and insurance.
Are your pest control services in Queanbeyan harmful?
Part of the licencing and accreditation process involves choosing the right solution, meaning the lowest toxicity levels. But nearly all of our products only require you to leave either the room or home for a couple of hours. The chemicals are only harmful when wet.
Is pest control in Queanbeyan disruptive?
Not in the slightest. We arrive, apply the solution, and you’re good to go after a couple of hours or so. We don’t need to dig up the lawn or make any structural changes. We simply use our advanced technology to see where the issue lies and then apply the treatment in the precise areas that need application. We are a lot less disruptive than a pest infestation, and you only need to call us once a year for complete freedom.
What is the most disruptive pest in Queanbeyan?
There are multiple contenders, but the most disruptive pest would undoubtedly be the termite. They destroy wood and you may not even know they are there until something collapses. They can be extremely expensive, costing people tens of thousands of dollars. And they might not even have a nest in your home. They can be in a tree up to 50 meters away and simply borrow underneath your house. Statistics indicate that up to 34% of NWS homes may have a termite infestation of some kind. And in Queanbeyan, this figure could even be higher.
If you are having issues with any pest in Queanbeyan, take proactive action and call the professionals.
We are available and ready to take your call on 0407 909 118 for complete pest control in Queanbeyan.