Wasp And Bee Pest Control In Canberra

Wasp And Bee Pest Control Services in Canberra & Queanbeyan

Social wasps are considered pests when they become excessively common, or nest close to buildings. People are most often stung in late summer, when wasp colonies stop breeding new workers; the existing workers search for sugary foods and are more likely to come into contact with humans; if people then respond aggressively, the wasps sting. Wasp nests made in or near houses, such as in roof spaces, can present a danger as the wasps may sting if people come close to them.
Stings are usually painful rather than dangerous, but in rare cases, people may suffer life threatening anaphylactic shock. Vespula germanica (European wasp, German wasp, or German yellowjacket) is a species of wasp found in much of the Northern Hemisphere, native to Europe, Northern Africa, and temperate Asia. It has spread and become well-established in many other places, including North America, South America (Argentina and Chile), Australia, and New Zealand. German wasps are part of the family Vespidae and are sometimes mistakenly referred to as paper wasps because they build grey paper nests, although strictly speaking, paper wasps are part of the subfamily Polistinae. In North America, they are also known as yellowjackets.

What Is our process for wasp and bee pest control?

Wasps,especially european wasps, are very aggressive. We tell our clients not to approach them as they will sting and this can have fatal consequences.
We will use protective clothing, special machines and a premium powder that will kill the nest in one treatment – Gone.*

How can I differentiate between bees and wasps?

Both are yellow and black flying insects that eat nectar and deliver a sting. But there are key differences. Bees are more ‘rounded’ while wasps are cylindrical. Wasps are attracted to lights at night and are predators, while bees are vegetarians. Wasps are more aggressive with a more painful sting. Of course, there are many different subspecies of both bees and wasps. Call City Pest Control if you want to identify the correct species followed by a swift removal.

How do I know if I have a wasp or bee infestation?

In comparison to other pests, this is actually quite easy. You should be able to clearly hear their buzzing during the day. A wasp/bee hive can have thousands of wasps. If they think you are going near the hive, they will sting repeatedly. A stray wasp or bee is not an infestation. By the time we get there, it will probably have flown away.

How can I identify the type of hive?

Hornet hives will have a football shape with a smooth surface. Bee hives are distinct with a ‘waxy’ appearance. Paper wasp hives will have an open nest in a hexagon formation. This hive will have fewer than 100 wasps. Yellow jacket wasps, the most dangerous, are also the easiest to identify. There are thousands of these wasps and there will be a flurry of activity around the hive. If you notice a hive of any kind, call us for premium wasp pest control Canberra & Queanbeyan.

Are wasps and bees actually dangerous?

Absolutely. In fact more people die from wasp and bee stings that from most other pests, including spiders and ants. This is due to the potential for a person to have an allergic reaction from the bee/wasp sting. Australia’s bees and wasps are also responsible for around twice the hospital admissions in comparison to snakes. The reason that such stings are dangerous is because increasing numbers of people are allergic. This leads to anaphylactic shock which can be quite serious, even fatal.

When am I most at risk from a pest bite or injury?

According to the statistics, the majority of pest bite hospital admissions and fatalities occur at home, in major cities, between April – October, and to middle aged men. Of course, even if you don’t qualify for a single one of these criteria, you could still easily be bitten! These are just statistical averages. The dangers also vary from state to state.

How can I treat a wasp or bee sting?

You can treat a wasp of bee sting at home simply with soap and water. Use a cold pack to prevent any swelling of the area. Use a cream of some kind to soothe the irritation. However, if you think you are having an allergic reaction, go to the hospital immediately. More people die from bee/wasp stings than from snake bites. And one plausible reason is that people think bee/wasp stings are harmless, and thus fail to seek immediate medical attention.

How can City Pest Control prevent wasp and bee infestations?

We will simply remove the hive at a time when the bees/wasps are inactive. We treat the hive with a dust or liquid pesticide. Afterwards, we will destroy the hive and remove it. Don’t attempt to do this yourself, especially without protective clothing. You could easily get attacked by a swarm of wasps or bees. And while you might survive a bite or two, your immune system won’t fare too well against 20 stings.

Why should I choose City Pest for my Wasp Pest Control in Canberra & Queanbeyan?

Because we have 15 years of experience, a 5 Star Google rating, and are accredited, insured, and licenced. We have an excellent reputation in both Canberra & Queanbeyan, where we have registered offices. We are hard to beat on price and easy to deal with. If you’re dealing with a wasp or bee infestation, then we’ll remove it for you asap, along with any other pests that need to be removed.

Call us now on 0407 909 118 for an obligation free quote and no-nonsense Wasp Pest Control in Canberra & Queanbeyan.

Our Trusted Partners

City Pest Control Services continue to operate under strict guidelines and audits for the work we do – this is to ensure we meet all Australian Standards. We are proud to be registered members of AEPMA and to be a PestCert Accredited Business – which means that we undertake all work to the required level of excellence.
So get the job done RIGHT, Call City Pest Control -Today.

Why Choose Us?

We are a dedicated team that has had many different life experiences in business. We are proud to be a local company in Canberra and Queanbeyan. We are fully trained and equipped for most, if not all, pest control issues. We are working with big hotel chains, food outlets, and for Jane our old lady down the street. We offer our services to ALL our valued new and old clients. Our work comes with a WARRANTY.

No matter what the premises, we are able to implement an effective pest management system to ensure your property receives the best results.


Our expert Technicians are state-licensed and certified. All our methods, chemicals and treatments are safe and compliant to ALL Australian Standards


City Termite & Pest Control Services offers timely, pro-active prevention with minimum impact on your family, home life, and budget. That makes us one of the best affordable services.


We treat your home as if it was our own. We keep our appointments and deliver our best service every time we visit your premises.


Every day, more customers choose us as their preferred pest control company because we provide a trusted service, assured results and our 6 month guarantee*.


At City Termite & Pest Control Services, we are providing after-sales service which ensures that our customers are satisfied with the services of the company.

Our Company Accreditations​

We’re certified and accredited by the most trusted names in the industry, which means you can rest assured that you’re dealing with a reputable team. And because we are committed to providing high-quality, safe and cost-effective pest treatment to Canberra & Queanbeyan’s homes and businesses – we guarantee you 100% customer satisfaction every single time!

Get a Free Quote

Struggling with pests? Give us a call on 0407 909 118 or fill in the form below and we will get back to you as soon as possible.